Department of Lands


The Department of Lands, WA
WA Rangeland Monitoring


The Department of Lands is responsible for WA’s rangelands which comprise over 2.2 million square kilometres, making up 85% of the state. As a natural resource, land conditions of the rangelands need to be managed so they can be used and preserved for current and future generations. They also need to provide for the ongoing sustainability of economic, social and cultural activity in the rangelands areas.

Our task

Consulcad’s Assurance and Advisory services were engaged to provide commercial and technical advice to the Department of Lands to assess options and develop a business case to implement a Rangelands Monitoring System.

This system would take advantage of satellite imagery, weather information and GIS technology to deliver timely and more accurate assessments of how pastoral and rangeland lease holders would manage and improve this valuable asset.

What we did

Consulcad used its expertise to provide advice and recommendations on how to proceed. This included a risk assessment and took into account technological and commercial considerations.

The outcome

Our advice provided the Director General of the Department of Lands with a clear roadmap and a position to put to government.